Saturday, December 28, 2013

Waiting for Santa!

Our last couple of nights with Chippy and Rosie were bittersweet.  We simply love our elves being here but we know that they have important jobs to do back home too.  I am hoping that our elves return to visit very soon!  This isn't the end of this blog.  I will continue to find ideas and hopefully post them for you when I do!  Happy Elfing!

We found Chippy and Rosie looking awfully guilty!

This is apparently what they were up to!  Guilty as charged!

Cookies and Buckeyes for Santa, Carrots for the reindeer!

Chippy and Rosie all packed up and waiting for Santa.  We hugged them good-bye and sent them on their way.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Yummy! Donuts!!!

Day 50 - Chippy and Rosie only have tonight and tomorrow night left with us!  We are so sad that they are leaving on Christmas Eve!  We decided to make "elf" donuts for them to take back to the North Pole with them when they leave.  They were supposed to share them with other elves back home but tonight I found that they have gotten into them.  Hope they don't eat them all!!!!  If you like the box, it was a free printable I found on a different blog.  Here is the site for those boxes!

The "elf" donuts are made from chocolate cheerios and red and green fruit loops.  We dipped the tops in white chocolate then dipped in either red and green sprinkles, white granular sugar, or chopped pecans.  They turned out super cute!  These have become a tradition in our house.  This is our 3rd year making them.  Happy Elfing!!!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Some Last Minute Ideas!!!

So I haven't had a chance to post in a couple of days so I am going to post a few of my own elf adventures along with some more from my friends.  Happy Elfing!

Chippy and Rosie got into the formula mistaking it for milk!

Chippy and Rosie were excited to start Christmas Break from school with watching every Christmas movie we own!

Chippy and Rosie brought back new pajamas for the girls with a note saying they were handmade by Mrs. Claus and that both girls made the nice list.

This elf is being all he can be!

Awwww......he made reindeer food!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Just a Cleanin'!

Day 46 - Tonight my elves made a mess and I caught them!  In this house if you make a mess, you have to clean it up!  That's right, my elves are cleaning!  Happy Elfing!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

It's the Elfettes!!!

Day 45 - Tonight my elves decided to dance the night away arm in arm!  It's Rosie, Emma Elf, and Chippy kicking it up Rockette......I mean Elfette style!  Dance on little elves, but keep it down.....I have to work tomorrow!  Happy Elfing!

Monday, December 16, 2013

A Little Jealous

Day 44 - Tonight I find our elves showing that they are a tad jealous of my daughter's good behavior chart filling up so quickly!  They decided to make their own and fill it up with stickers!  Happy Elfing!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Got Some Catching Up to Do!

I seem to have been busier than my elves lately and have gotten behind on my posting!!!  So tonight I post a few to catch up!!!  Happy Elfing everyone!  Christmas is just around the corner!!!!  We will be sad to see our elves go!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Party Animals!!!

Day 39 - I know I told those elves absolutely NO PARTIES.......but here they are hyping themselves up on candy, candy corn, and syrup.  I already told them that if they get pulled over for FUI (flying under the influence) I am not bailing them out!  LOL!  Happy Elfing!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

We Love to Color!

Since my daughter has spent a lot of time perfecting her coloring skills lately, our elves decided to bring her an "elf" coloring book.  But what fun would that be, if they didn't get to color in it too???

Ladies and Gentlemen!!!

Tonight my elves are feeling a little "Cirque Du Soleil"!  Draw your attention to the center ring!!!  Happy Elfing!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

More From My Friends

I have so many friends that have elf visitors!  I am loving all their ideas!  Here are a few more from my friends!  Happy Elfing!

Brrrrr....It's cold!  Help!!!


Help has arrived!

Getting out the lights

Hiding at Santa's feet

Picking out the perfect Christmas cookie recipe

Trapped in the castle


Mustache anyone?

Super Hero Elf to the Rescue

Loving Baby Jesus

Bird Watching

Getting a dose of reality from other toys!

Snowball fight??

Getting out the tree!
Flight training school

Made reindeer donuts for breakfast!
After a full day with kids that ended up staying home from school for a snow day, this elf needed some headache medicine!
Awwww!  A nice Christmas shave! 

Welcome to the Magic Show of Snowflake the Magnificent!

Time for a toy meeting!

Wrapping is so much fun!

Practicing flying skills!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Elf Cocoa!

Tonight my elves have come back from the North Pole with everything needed to make "elf" cocoa.  They brought back directions too.  To make "elf" cocoa, heat 4 chocolate Santa's and 2 peppermint Hershey Kisses and 8 ounces of milk in the microwave (in a mug).  Stir warm mixture with a candy cane.  Top the cocoa with a Peep brand Snowman or Christmas Tree.  Enjoy........notice my elves did a little enjoying themselves!  Happy Elfing!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Tonight I found our elves, Chippy and Rosie, playing in their own Winter Wonderland.  Seems fitting with the weather I see outside our windows.  4 to 5 inches of snow and it isn't even Christmas yet.  Oh least the elves are loving it!  Happy Elfing!

A Few Ideas From My Friends

With permission from them, I am sharing a few photos of my friends' elves adventures!  Enjoy and Happy Elfing!!!!
Playing Golf

Giving Used Toys to a Needy Family

Looking back at his past adventures

A horseback ride with a Barbie

Looking for the best Black Friday deals

Playing in the "snow" with friends

Hanging with the Big Man
Getting in touch with his musical side

Going hunting


Hanging with the Snowmen

Just a Swingin'
George the elf got himself a place on the family photo wall