Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Need inspiration? You have come to the right place!

My elves have been very busy!  We recently had Thanksgiving break at school so Holly joined us for a few days so she wouldn't be lonely on Thanksgiving!  I have tried to include all the pictures and adventures from this year but you can find other ideas by searching this blog.  It is full of ideas from me and friends I hold dear!  Happy Elfing!

Time for a shower after stepping in Reindeer poo!

Sledding down a homemade slope with our guest Holly Elf!

Celebrating Thanksgiving with Holly!

Well?  What does the fox say?

The elves are very thoughtful!  They brought back ingredients we needed to make snowman poo!

You can't fool me girls!  Be nice!

Holly had to report back to school so she hitched a ride with Easter Bunny (who left a mess for me to clean up!)

It is important to pay it forward!

Sending out Wedding invitations is a big job!

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